Do I Qualify for the FLC Housing Program?

  1. Are you over the age of 18?

  2. Are you currently pregnant?

  3. Do you and your baby need housing?

If you answered YES,
please complete the application below:

If you answered NO to any of these,
please continue on to our Resources PDF - this will connect you with the resources that may
be a better fit for you.

*Mothers with children are still encouraged to apply as we have resources available for you and your children!


How long does the housing program interview process take?

We do a series of two interviews. Depending on how long it takes to get the paperwork returned to us, we can process everything in 5-10 days

How long can I stay after the baby is born?

Both moms who choose adoption and moms who choose parenting can stay up to 7 months after the birth of her baby.

How many people can live at the maternity home?

We have the capacity to house four moms at a time.

How much does it cost to live at the Family Life Center?

Our moms earn their stay by committing to volunteer, work, or attend school 20 hours per week.

What should I bring? 

Moms who move in do not need to come with anything, we will help you get whatever you may need. You may bring clothing and personal hygiene items. We will store two totes of your additional personal items.

Can my other children live in the house with me?

Unfortunately, at this time we are not licensed to have children living in the house full-time. We do allow visits with your children if they are in custody of another person.

I don’t have any baby items, do you help with that?

Yes, we have a boutique with baby items that you will be able to go shopping at to prepare for your baby’s arrival.

Can I have people visit me while living at the maternity home?

Absolutely! We do ask that visits are scheduled ahead of time and approved by House Staff.

I need help with finding an OB/GYN, what can I do?

We can help walk you through that process. We are blessed to be in the center of 7 hospitals! We can help you find a doctor that is just right for you.

How will I get to my appointments?

We provide transportation to and from appointments.

Who will provide transportation and child care? 

The program has over 40 volunteers available to help you. They will provide transportation, child care, teach life skill classes, and mentor you through your time with us.